Can you use nail glue on acrylic nails?


Acrylic nails have long been a popular choice for individuals looking for an elegant and long-lasting nail enhancement. However, the world of nail care also includes various adhesive products, including nail glue, often used for applications such as stick-on nails. A common question that comes up is whether you can use nail glue on acrylic nails. In this article, we will explore this interesting topic to help you understand the compatibility and considerations when combining these two elements of nail care.


Understanding acrylic nails and nail glues

Acrylic nails, also known as artificial nails or nail extensions, are created using a combination of liquid monomer and acrylic powder. They are applied by a trained nail technician and shaped to match your desired style and length. Acrylic nails are known for their strength, durability and ability to create stunning manicures that last for weeks.

Nail glue, on the other hand, is a quick-drying adhesive commonly used to secure various types of artificial nails, including stick-on nails, press-on nails, and nail tips. The nail glue is designed to create a strong bond between the natural nail and artificial nail, allowing for easy application and removal.

While acrylic nails and nail glue serve different purposes in the world of nail care, they share a common goal of providing long-lasting and safe nail enhancements. However, when considering the use of acrylic nail glue, it is essential to understand the compatibility and limitations.


Use of acrylic nail glue

Using glue on acrylic nails is possible, but it is important to approach this combination with caution. Here are some considerations:

Emergency Repairs: Nail glue can be useful for emergency repairs to acrylic nails if they accidentally break or chip. Applying a small amount of glue to the damaged area can temporarily hold the acrylic nail together until you can see a professional for proper maintenance.

Gap filling: If you notice gaps or lifting between the acrylic nail and your natural nail due to growth, you can use nail glue to temporarily secure the edges. However, this should not replace the need for regular acrylic filling or nail maintenance.

Not for full application: Nail glue should not be used for full application of acrylic nails. Acrylic nails require a specialized combination of liquid monomer and acrylic powder along with skillful shaping and filing that cannot be replicated with nail glue alone.

Professional Maintenance: To ensure the longevity and health of your acrylic nails, it is essential to see a professional nail technician for regular fillings, repairs and maintenance. Attempting to rely on nail glue for full applications or extensive repairs can lead to degraded results.

Pros and cons


  • Emergency Repairs: Nail glue can be a lifesaver for quick repairs when acrylic nails break or chip unexpectedly.
  • Convenience: It is a convenient solution for minor problems without the need for immediate professional help.
  • Cost-Effective: Using nail glue for minor repairs can save you money compared to frequent visits to the salon.


  • Temporary solution: Nail glue is not a substitute for proper maintenance of acrylic nails and should only be used as a temporary solution.
  • Risk of damage: Excessive use of nail glue can weaken acrylic nails and natural nails, which can lead to damage and health problems of the nails.
  • Professional Expertise: Achieving flawless acrylic nails requires the expertise of a trained nail technician that cannot be replicated with nail glue.

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In summary, while it is possible to use acrylic nail glue for emergency repairs or temporary repairs, it is important to understand that nail glue is not a suitable substitute for professional application and maintenance of acrylic nails. Stick on nails are a specialized nail enhancement that requires the expertise of an experienced nail technician to ensure they are applied correctly, shaped to perfection and maintained for lasting beauty and strength.

If you have acrylic nails, it's a good idea to rely on a professional for all of your acrylic nail needs, including regular fillings, touch-ups, and touch-ups. Nail glue should serve as a useful tool for minor problems, but should not be used as the primary method for achieving or maintaining acrylic nails. Prioritizing professional care will help you take full advantage of acrylic nails while ensuring the health and integrity of your natural nails.
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